Leonard Griffiths 1892-1892

Author: gambles
Date published: 24/05/2024

Leonard Griffiths


Leonard was born on the 30th July 1892 in Newbury, Berkshire, the son of John Henry and Minnie Kate Griffiths (nee Stinchcombe) who were married in 1887 (marriage registered in Wem Shropshire).

Leonard died aged 6 days on the 5th August 1892, he was laid to rest in the Newtown Road Cemetery on the 6th August 1892.

Leonard’s family:

His father John Henry was born in 1862 in Wem, Shropshire, the son of Richard and Mary Griffiths (nee Yeomans) who were married in 1860 (marriage registered in Oswestry)

His mother Minnie Kate was born 1864 in Didmarton, Gloucestershire, the daughter of Joel and Sarah Stinchcomb(e) (nee Cook) who were married in 1855 in Gloucestershire.

John and Minnie also had the following children:

Henry Herbert Joel born 1887 in Whitchurch, Shropshire

George Albert born 1889 in Whitchurch, Shropshire

William Ewart born c1891 in Whitchurch, Shropshire

Ernest Frederick born 1893 in Newbury, Berkshire (died aged 0, in 1894 in Salop, Shropshire)

Harold John born 1899 in Chertsey, Surrey

Arthur Stanley born 1901 in Chertsey, Surrey (died aged 1, in 1893 in Chestsey)

In 1891 John Henry (28), a Joiner, Minnie (26), Henry (3), George (1) and William (1 month) were recorded living at 4 Egerton Road, Whitchurch, Shropshire.

The 1901 census records John Henry (38) as a Carpenter’s Foreman, Minnie (36), Henry (13), George (11), William (10) and Harold (1), living in Albany Road, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey.

In 1911 John (48) was recorded as a Carpenter, living at 1 Fern Villas, Albany Road, Walton-on-Thames with Minnie (46) and their sons William Ewart (20), a Tailor’s Apprentice and Harold John (11).

John and Minnie continued to live in Albany Road until their deaths. John Henry died aged 71 in 1934, in Surrey and Minnie Kate died aged 71 on the 18th July 1936, in Surrey


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