William Parsons 1839-1851

Author: gambles
Date published: 24/05/2024

William Parsons


William, his paents, siblings and early life:

William was born in Newbury Berkshire, the son of William and Ann Parsons (nee Grubb) who were married in 1839 (marriage registered in Newbury).

His father William Benjamin Mark was a Chimney Sweep. He was born c1817 in Lambeth, Surrey.

His mother Ann was baptised on the 3rd April 1816 at St Nicolas Church Newbury, Berkshire, the daughter of John and Mary Grubb (nee Paradise) who were married on the 2nd November 1806 at St Nicolas Church, Newbury.

William and Ann also had the following children (all born in Newbury):

Mark 1841

Ellen Ann 1843

Clara 1844

Hannah c1846

Charlotte Ann 1848

Martha 1850

Nancy 1852

Benjamin 1854

Henry c1857

In 1841 William (1) was recorded living in Newtown Road, Newbury with his parents.

William died aged 11 in 1851, he was laid to rest in the Newtown Road Cemetery on the 8th January.

After William’s death:

The 1851, 1861 and 1871 census records record the family living in Porter’s Yard, off Bartholomew Street, Newbury.

The 1881 census records William, Ann and their daughter Martha, living in Bartholomew Street, Newbury

William Benjamin Mark died aged 71 on the 25th November 1886, he was laid to rest in the Newtown Road Cemetery on the 1st December

The 1891 census records Ann (75) living on her own means at 2, Coombe View, Enborne Road, Newbury, her daughter Martha (40) and her grandchildren, Edith Mary Parsons (10) and Albert Henry Parsons (8) were recorded living with her.

Ann died aged 84 on the 17th October 1900, she was laid to rest in the Newtown Road cemetery on the 22nd October.


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