Susan (Susannah) Griffiths 1842-1891

Author: gambles
Date published: 19/05/2024

Susan (Susannah) Griffiths


Susan, her parents, siblings and early life:

Susan(nah) Read was born in 1842 in Beedon, Berkshire, (birth registered in Wantage) the daughter of John and Maria Read(e) (nee Brooks) who were married on the 6th May 1826 at St Mary and St Nicholas, Compton, Berkshire.

Susan’s father John was an Agricultural Labourer, he was baptised in 1803, in Beedon, Berkshire, the son of Thomas and Susannah Reid (nee Day) who were married on the 18th November 1801, at All Saints, at East Lockinge, Berkshire. (Surname recorded as Reed)

Her mother Maria was baptised in 1804 in Compton, Berkshire, the daughter of James and Maria Brooks (nee Fisher) who were married on the 10th July 1797, at St Mary and St Nicholas, Compton.

John and Maria also had the following children (all baptisms in Beedon):

Mary baptised 2nd July 1826

William baptised 23rd March 1828

James baptised 7th June 1829

John baptised 10th July 1831

Elizabeth baptised 3rd February 1833

Hannah born c1836

Lucy born 1840

Maria born 1845

In 1841 the family were recorded living in the village of Beedon (near the brick kiln)

In 1851 Susannah (8) was recorded living in Newbury Road, Beedon, with her parents John (47) and Maria (46) and her siblings, Hannah (15), Lucy (11), Maria (5) and James (24) and Mary Butler (24) recorded as lodgers. (Mary Reade married James Butler in 1850, so Mary was probably Susannah’s sister)

Susannah’s mother died aged 46 in 1851.

The 1861 census records Susan (18) as an Ag Employ, she was living in Newbury Road, Beedon, with her father John (57), her sisters, Lucy (21), Maria (15) and a nephew William Read (3).

Her father continued to live in Beedon until his death in 1880.

Susan in later life:

Susan married Caleb Griffiths in 1865 (marriage registered in Newbury)

(Caleb was born in Newbury, Berkshire, he was baptised on the 29th October 1843, at St Nicolas Church, Newbury, the son of William and Mary Griffiths (nee Powers) who were married on the 17th October 1824 at St Mary Thatcham Berkshire).


Susan and Caleb had the following 11 children, all born in Newbury:

Caleb born 1866 (died aged 25 in 1891, buried in the NRC on the 29th May)

Thomas born 1867 (died aged 20 in 1888, buried in the NRC on the 18th May)

Kate born 1868

Janet born 1870

Henry born 1872 (died aged 3 weeks, buried in the NRC on the 27th February 1872)

Susan Maria born c1873

Henry born 1875 (died aged 2, buried in the NRC on the 19th May 1877)

John born 1876 (died aged 1 months, buried in the NRC on the 29th November)

Walter born 1877

Alfred born 1880 (died aged 37 in 1917, buried in the NRC on the 26th September)

Jessie born 1882

In 1871 Caleb (29), a Journeyman Coachsmith, Susan (28), Caleb (5), Thomas (3), Kate (2) and Janet (1), were recorded living in the Old Cattle Market, Newbury.

By 1881 Caleb (39), a General Smith, Susan (36), Caleb (15) a Smith’s Assistant, Thomas (14), a Smith’s Assistant, Kate (11), Janet (10), Susan (8), Walter (3) and Alfred (1), were living at 131 Bartholomew Street, Newbury.

Susan died aged 45 on the 2nd March 1891, she was laid to rest in a private grave in the Newtown Road Cemetery with her son Thomas (buried 1888) on the 7th March.

Her son Alfred took his own life in 1917, aged 37, he was laid to rest in the Newtown Road Cemetery with Susan and his brother Thomas, on the 26th September.

Caleb remarried in 1893, his 2nd wife was Eliza Newman. He was widowed in again in 1898. He married again in 1900 , his 3rd wife was a widow, Sophia Theresa Phillips (nee Slay)

Caleb died aged 79 (age at death registered as (80) on the 21st February in 1922, he was laid to rest in the Newtown Road Cemetery on the 25th February, with his 2nd wife Eliza (buried 1898).


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