Robert George Osgood c1798-1879

Author: gambles
Date published: 14/05/2024

Robert George Osgood


Robert George was baptised on the 2nd December 1798 at St Nicolas Church, Newbury, Berkshire, the son of Henry (aka Harry) and Elizabeth (aka Betty) Osgood (nee Thurstead/Thustain) who were married on the 27th February 1797 at St Nicolas Church, Newbury.

His father Harry was born c1757. His mother Elizabeth was born c1772.

Harry and Elizabeth also had the following children:

Sarah Elizabeth, born 15th July 1801, baptised 15th November 1801

Harry, born 30th November 1803, baptised 12th December 1803 (died aged 30 in 1833, buried 16th December at St Nicolas Newbury)

John, born 4th May 1811, privately baptised 24th May 1811 (died aged 91 in 1903, buried in the NRC on the 28th January)

In 1815 Harry (50), Elizabeth (45), their children, Robert (16), Sarah Elizabeth (13), Harry (11), John (4) and a servant Elizabeth Alderman (18), were recorded living at the Weavers Arms, Cheap Street, Newbury.

Robert George was a Currier. (A currier meaning: someone who prepares and finishes leather hides)

He married Martha Eady on the 28th October 1828 in Kingsclere.

(Martha Edy was baptised on the 26th April 1805 in Kingsclere, Hampshire, the daughter of John and Grace Edy (nee Pocock) who were married on the 3rd November1804 in Kingsclere).

Robert and Martha had the following children baptised in Newbury:

Robert 24th July 1828

Ann 23rd September 1829

Harry 3rd February 1833

George 17th July 1835

Martha 31st December 1837

Alfred 15th September 1839

Ellen 29th May 1842


Emma born 1845

Charles born 1847

In 1841 Robert (40), Martha (30), Harry (8), George (5) and Alfred (2), were living in Cheap Street, Newbury.

Robert’s father Harry died aged 85 on the 8th November 1842, he was buried on the 15th November at St Nicolas Newbury.

(The following appeared in the Berkshire Chronicle, dated 12th November 1842: Nov. 8, Mr. Harry Osgood, aged 85 years, upwards of 40 years landlord of the Weaver’s Arms, Cheap-street, Newbury, and much respected.

Harry left a will dated the 1st November 1833, leaving his estate to his wife, for her lifetime and for their four children after her death. Will proved in London on the 11th April 1843 before the sworn oaths of Betty (Elizabeth Osgood the widow and sons Robert George Osgood and John Osgood the surviving executors).

The 1851 census records Robert (53), Martha (45), Henry (18) a Harness Maker, George (15) an Apprentice, Alfred (11), Ellen (9), Emma (6) and Charles (3), living in Cheap Street, Newbury

Robert’s mother Elizabeth died aged 86 on the 14th April 1858, she was laid to rest in the Newtown Road Cemetery on the 21st April.

In 1861 Robert (63), Martha (57) and their son Charles (13), an Errand Boy, were recorded living in Osgood’s Cottage, Cheap Street, Newbury.

The 1871 census records Robert (72) and Martha (65) living in Raymond’s Almshouses, Newbury.

Robert George died aged 81 on the 28th October 1879, he was laid to rest in the Newtown Road Cemetery on the 3rd November.

The 1881 census records Martha (75) living at 6, Kimber’s Almshouses, Market Place, Newbury. Her grandson Harry Osgood (16) was recorded living with her.

Martha died aged 83 on the 2nd December 1888, she was laid to rest in the Newtown Road Cemetery on the 7th December


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