George Fry c1794-1876

Author: gambles
Date published: 13/05/2024

George Fry


The 1861 and 1871 census records record George’s birth place as Newbury, Berkshire.

George married Sarah Elizabeth Osgood on the 19th December 1820 in Trowbridge, Wiltshire.

(Sarah Elizabeth was born on the 15th July 1801 in Newbury, Berkshire. She was baptised on the 15th November 1801 at St Nicolas Church Newbury, the daughter of Harry and Elizabeth Osgood (nee Thustain/Thurstead) who were married on the 27th February 1797 at St Nicolas Church, Newbury)

George and Sarah had a daughter Ellen, baptised on the 15th February in 1822 and a son William, baptised on the 20th January 1824, at St Nicolas Church, Newbury. On Ellen’s baptism record George was recorded as a Draper. On William’s baptism record he was recorded as a Shopman Linen Draper.

(Sarah’s father Harry Osgood was the publican at the Weavers Arms in Cheap Street, Newbury, he also owned properties in Cheap Street. Harry died in 1842 leaving a will, probate dated 11th April 1843. He left his estate to his wife, for her lifetime and after her death, for his 3 sons Robert George, Harry and John and his daughter Sarah Elizabeth. Part of the will stated that it was his express will that his daughter’s share of his estate was to be received for her own absolute use benefit and disposal, independent of and not subject to interference control or authority of her present or any future husband or husbands, his or their relatives. It also stated that George Fry was not to interfere, intermeddle with Harry’s will and that Sarah’s share was for her and her absolutely and that he was relying and trusting that she would use her utmost endeavors to support and provide for her two children, Ellen Fry and William Fry)

George and Sarah are not recorded living together in any of the census records found so possibly they parted company prior to 1841.

In 1841 Sarah (35) (recorded as Samuel on ancestry) and her children Ellen (15) and William (15) were living in Cheap Street, Newbury (the Weavers Arms) with Sarah’s father Harry (80) the Innkeeper and her mother Elizabeth (70). (No confirmed record for George found in this census)

The 1851 census records Sarah Elizabeth (49), as a Dressmaker, living at 3, Kimber’s Almshouses, Newbury with her mother Elizabeth Osgood (80) who was recorded as Formerly a Publican. (Possible recording for George: George (54), a Hawker, lodging in Bartholomew Street, Newbury. George’s birth place has been recorded as Bradfield Wiltshire in this census).

The 1861 census records George (64) as a Labourer, lodging in the City, Newbury. Sarah (59) was recorded as a Housekeeper living with her widowed son William (37), a Compositor, at 32 Brooksby Street, Islington.

In 1871 George (77) was recorded as a widower, he was working as a Draper and was lodging at the Tiger Inn, (a common lodging house) Bartholomew Street, Newbury. Sarah (69) was recorded as married, she was working as a Dressmaker and was lodging at 11, Arundel Place, Islington,

(Possible death for Sarah: Sarah Elizabeth Fry, aged 72, March quarter 1874, Chelsea)

George died in the Newbury Workhouse, aged 82, on the 12th August 1876, he was laid to rest in the Newtown Road Cemetery on the 15th August.



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