Anna Maria Lynch 1859-1862

Author: C Gambles
Date published: 30/06/2020

Anna Maria Lynch
Anna Maria (birth registered as Hannah Maria) was born in Newbury she was the daughter of William and Sarah Ann Lynch (nee Winter) who were married in Newbury in 1841. William was born c1822 in Newbury and Sarah was born c1823 in Reading.
William and Sarah also had the following children: James 1842 (died 1862 buried in the NRC on the 31st March) Joseph c1846 George Henry 1848 William 1851 Sarah Ann 1854 Robert 1856 (died aged 44 in 1901 buried in the NRC on the 7th June) Henry Edward 1862 Frederick 1865 (died aged 41 in 1907 buried in the NRC on the 14th February)
Emily 1869

William was a Shoemaker (1851, 1871 and 1891) a Master Cordwainer (1861) and Bricklayer's Labourer (1881) The family lived in Old Newtown Road Newbury (1851, 1871, 1881 and 1891) and Bartholomew Street (1861) Anna died aged 2 in 1862 she was laid to rest in the Newtown Road Cemetery on the 25th August. Her mother died aged 73 in 1898 she was laid to rest in the Newtown Road cemetery on the 25th June. Her father died aged 74 in 1899 he was laid to rest in the Newtown Road Cemetery on the 23rd December.


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