George Napier 1938-1939

Author: C Gambles
Date published: 24/09/2022

George Napier



 George was born in Newbury the son of John Cyril and Dorothy Mary Napier (nee Hoad) who were married in 1931 (marriage registered in Southampton).

 George died the day after he was born, he was laid to rest in the Newtown Road Cemetery on the 26th May.

 John and Dorothy also had another son and 6 daughters.

 In 1939 George’s parents were recorded living at 36 Howard Road, Newbury. His father was recorded as an Electrical Engineer (Public Supply).

 John and Dorothy continued to live in Howard Road until at least 1957. By 1958 they had moved to 27 Chaucer Crescent, Newbury where they lived until their deaths.

  His mother died aged 59 in 1967 and his father died aged 67 on the 22nd December 1972.


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